Anti-aging research directory
2022 - The world's latest anti-aging research: what causes aging and how to fight it
Is immortality possible? Understanding the causes of aging can reverse aging and become younger!
Anti-aging has always been a permanent topic of human beings. Is aging a natural process? Is everyone unavoidable? Humans' current technology can't achieve immortality? But anyone who knows a little biological knowledge or a little common sense understands that a human being is a creature composed of countless cells. The death and survival of cells determine a person's state, and aging is no exception. Isn't that making cells more viable without causing death. Is it the theoretical "immortality"?
lifeless creatures on earth
The ancient conifer pine standing in the White Mountains of California, USA, it existed before the appearance of the Egyptian pyramids and still survives to this day. After all, it is our eukaryotic relative. Nearly half of the genes are close relatives of human genes, but the conifer pine does not. will get old.
Several species of jellyfish fully regenerate from adult body parts, earning them the title of immortal jellyfish. Cut these amazing jellyfish into any number of pieces, these cells will come close one after another, form clumps, and then reassemble into complete individuals, just like the liquid metal robot in the movie, "Devil's Terminator 2", and this The process of separation and reassembly likely reset their aging clocks.
「燈塔水母」(Turritopsis dohrnii)是地球870萬種生物中,唯一能夠長生不老的生物,普通的水母在有性生殖後就會死亡,但燈塔水母卻可以不斷重返幼年,返老還童」,跳脫死亡的過程。

These creatures are like Fitzgerald's rejuvenation novel, "Benjamin's Fantastic Voyage," and they matter because we learn from them: Cellular age can be completely reset , and one day this dream can come true? And without losing our memory, wisdom or soul.

Why does it age? Anti-aging research by Professor David Sinclair, an anti-aging authority
Professor Sinclair, a tenured professor at Harvard University, was listed as one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2014. He has devoted himself to researching the causes of aging and has put forward a subversive idea with evidence, "Aging is just A disease, a cure makes it possible to live a healthier, longer life" , he noted that each of us must die at some point, but believes we can double our life expectancy and live healthy, active lives until the end.

Known popular science research causes of aging
For a summary of the scientific research on the causes of aging in the past few decades, you can refer to a paper published in the journal "Cell" in 2018, listing the nine aging mechanisms currently known to scientists:
Error in DNA replication
Telomere shortening
Cellular Protein Loss Stability and Precision
Genetic characterization goes wrong
"Energy Factory" Mitochondria Fail
Impaired communication mechanisms between cells
Stem cells are exhausted, and organs and tissues stop repairing and renewing
Metabolic dysregulation due to reduced cellular sensitivity to glucose and fat uptake
When cells are damaged by stress, inflammatory molecules produce normal cells that become 'zombie cells'
The latest solution to the causes of aging - David Sinclair
David Sinclair believes that before studying how to rejuvenate, we must first find the real cause of human aging. Over the past 20 years, studies on cellular aging have concluded that several signs of aging include: telomere attrition, mitochondrial dysfunction...etc. But David Sinclair wanted to explore further why these signs occurred . And the reason he attributed to it is that the body gradually loses information .
There are two types of information that a person obtains from their parents: The first is the well-known DNA, which is a long strip of molecules in cells, digital information composed of A, C, T, and G. The second is the epigenome, which is analog information that changes at any time.
To understand the aging process, we first need to understand the epigenome. Although people have the same DNA, different cell types have different epigenomes. They package DNA in different ways. The epigenome is actually the structure of DNA. It acts as a reader of information, controlling which sets of genes on a DNA string are turned on or off . DNA surrounds histones, which together form nucleosomes and further chromosomes, and this chromatin structure is called the epigenome.
If the DNA is tightly wound, the gene cannot be read. On the contrary, when the cell needs to read a gene, the genome structure will be loosened. The gene sequences of different types of cells in the human body are exactly the same, because there is With the regulation of epigenetic information, the fertilized egg can develop thousands of somatic cells with different types and functions.
There are 26 billion cells in the human body at birth. After birth, cells gradually know what they should do, and aging means that cells gradually lose the packaging of DNA to tissue proteins, and then lose their identity . The epigenome is like a soft body, and the gene representation is like a program code. If the system is stressed to an overload ( the greatest stress will cause the chromosomes to rupture, the worst may cause death, and the external body may be the growth of tumor ), the cell needs to stop dividing and whatever else it needs to do, trying to try and repair the broken DNA.
Doing so requires sourcing protein from elsewhere. But doing so requires unpacking the tissue proteins from the tangled DNA and repacking with the broken DNA. This process causes some cells to lose their properties and lose their youth. In short, aging is not a mutation of DNA, Quite the contrary, aging is the consequence of human epigenetic information distorted by repairing DNA damage . Briefly describe the mode as follows:
Youth → DNA damage and fragmentation → Gene body instability → Destruction of DNA packaging and gene regulation (epigenome) → Cell loss of identity → Cell senescence → Sickness → Death
Anti-Aging Approaches - David Sinclair
The key to anti-aging lies in activating the vitality gene , which is the descendant of the ancient gene survival circuit, which is both the cause of aging and the key to reversing aging. The hallmarks of aging include DNA damage, changes in the epigenome, loss of the ability to maintain healthy proteins, stem cell exhaustion, and production of inflammatory molecules....and more.
Harvard Medical School professor David Sinclair's team published a research article stating that NAD+ is a substrate of the DNA repair protein PARP1 and an activator of the longevity gene SIRT1, which plays a key physiological function. However, in the process of aging, the content of NAD+ will decrease rapidly, which directly leads to a significant decrease in the activity of SIRT1, which affects mitochondrial function and reduces the power of the "cell's power plant", which leads to aging .
This study provides a good explanation for the relationship between aging and NAD+. Numerous scientific and experimental studies have consistently confirmed that maintaining sufficient NAD+ in cells and maintaining the energy of mitochondria in the "cell power plant" is the key to inhibiting aging .
As we age, our bodies run less NAD+: When we're 50, we have half the NAD in our body as we did at 20, so cells in our body forget what they're supposed to be doing. Aging begins here. How to fight aging? Please click on the Magical NMN page.
The latest anti-aging method - the most fundamental way to prevent disease is to fight aging
Anti-aging research must be directed in the right direction to make sense, that is, anti-aging is not an end to death, but a longer-term healthy life . Many of today's researches on prolonging human lifespan and anti-aging are ineffective. For example, advanced countries spend a very, very large amount of money every year to research methods to treat cancer and prolong human life, but after all, it only prolongs the unhealthy life of patients by 1.5 years, which is completely meaningless.
Therefore, radical lifespan extension that only wants to increase lifespan without the impact of healthy lifespan is unlikely to be achieved. If the primary goal of medicine and public health is to focus on the extension of healthy lifespan, rather than simply thinking about lifespan extension, then aging and longevity may bring even greater benefits. Promoting advances in aging biology may allow humans to break through biological barriers affecting healthspan and longevity, leading to a welcome extension of healthyspan and a compression of morbidity.
Anti-aging scientists such as David Sinclair are in the direction of healthy and longevity , from the root of cells to improve, to study anti-aging methods . In the next few years, there will be more knowledge about human aging. Larger studies of DNA sequence and gene regulation will capture more genetic variation between individuals and help determine the mechanisms by which these genetic variations affect. It seems likely that more evidence of aging pathways may be uncovered, including new ones that could provide targets for intervention or offer new opportunities for prevention.
There is still considerable scope for using genetic variation to understand human aging mechanisms. Overall, human genetics will likely continue to provide more and more insights into how we fight aging and play an important role in identifying ways to slow it down, helping more people age better and hopefully experience a better life. A healthier, happier, more fulfilling life.
How to fight aging? Please click on the Magical NMN page.
Anti-aging, reverse aging, disease can disappear
Reverse Aging | David Sinclair | NAD+ | NMN | Anti-Aging | Healthy Longevity |
The world's anti-aging authority, David Sinclair, is the pioneering scholar of the revolution of health and longevity across the century. His research results have confirmed that most diseases can be eliminated by reversing aging . The real cause of aging is the dysregulation of the epigenome, and NAD+ is the key substance to prevent cellular aging. To fight aging, as long as the level of NAD+ is increased, aging can be reversed .
For decades, the medical direction dominated by big pharmaceutical companies has been to treat diseases as the main goal. For example, all the resources and huge funds have been spent on researching how to treat cancer. The end result is only 1.5 years of unhealthy life expectancy for cancer patients!
From the perspective of all human beings, although the life expectancy has been extended, the unhealthy old age has also been extended. This is definitely not what we want! What we want is healthy and longevity, David Sinclair has officially blown the horn of this revolution in health and longevity, and we look forward to enjoying these scientific achievements!
To fight aging, you need to know the reason why NAD+ decreases with age
We already know that with age, NAD+ in the body gradually decreases, leading to aging:
NAD+ (Coenzyme I) is like a communicator in human cells for intercellular communication. When you have low NAD+ in your body, cells can't communicate effectively, which reduces the amount of energy your body needs. In this way, another substance in the body, the mitochondria, is affected. Mitochondria are organelles ( cell generators ) closely related to energy metabolism. Once the function of mitochondria is affected, it will directly affect the survival of cells. Can the human body still function normally if the cells are dead?
The most obvious manifestation outside the human body is aging. The price of NAD+ decline is heavy. Decreased levels of NAD+ appear to play a crucial role in the development of metabolic dysfunction and age-related diseases. That's why there is an increasing focus on finding ways to increase NAD+ levels.
Longevity and health require NAD+ . Why does NAD+ decrease with age?
The pool of NAD+ available in the cell is controlled by its production and consumption. But our NAD+ supply isn't set in stone; it's not perfectly recycled. We need to constantly provide ourselves with a source of NAD+, usually through our diet. However, as we age, NAD+ levels seem to drop like a runaway train, and even if everything else remains the same, such as our diet, it cannot keep up with the NAD+ decline.
The mechanisms that lead to the decline of cellular NAD+ during aging, as shown below, are mainly caused by changes in its degradation and synthesis :

Impaired NAD+ biosynthesis during aging
One reason NAD+ levels decline with age is that it is not synthesized at the same rate from available precursor molecules. Levels of NAMPT (the enzyme that synthesizes most NAD+) decrease with age, which in turn affects the activity of NAD+-dependent proteins. Exactly how NAMPT levels decline with age appears to depend on several factors:
Changes in our body's biological clock, or so-called circadian rhythm , cause an age-related decline in NAMPT ( NAD+ synthase ). Aging affects the speed and strength of circadian rhythms. An untimely or weak circadian rhythm can lead to insufficient NAMPT production, which in turn leads to lower NAD+ levels. Simply put, it is a routine of living and resting.
Another possible mechanism for the age-related decline in NAMPT is chronic inflammation . In the affected tissue, inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines are released, which exacerbate cellular damage. Both inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress contribute to the development of chronic inflammation during aging, leading to a decline in NAD+.
NAD+ degradation is a major cause of age-related decline
PARP, CD38 and SARM1 are NAD+ consuming enzymes. NAD+ decreases as people age, and the main reason is that NAD+ is decomposed by these consuming enzymes .
PARP1 and PARP2 are major consumers of NAD+ , and their function is to aid in DNA repair. As we get older, the body is exposed to various external and internal stressors, such as ultraviolet radiation, air pollution and other environmental factors, and the destruction of intracellular free radicals, cellular peroxidative inflammation and other internal factors, resulting in frequent DNA breakage, so it must not be Stop repairing DNA, so NAD+ is constantly being used up.
In addition, CD38 is also one of the main enzymes that consume NAD+ in mammals. Studies have found that with increasing age, the activity of CD38 in many aging tissues and organs will increase. In addition, the level and activity of CD38 is determined by cytokines and bacterial toxins. induced. Therefore, chronic inflammation during aging may lead to increased levels and activity of CD38, thus naturally depleting NAD+ faster.
The use of NAD+ by the SARM1 enzyme is responsible for post-injury axonal degeneration and several neurodegenerative diseases The core of the initial stage of the disease. SARM1-mediated NAD+ depletion leads to degeneration of damaged neurons, a key event in the early stages of age-related neuronal diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ..Wait
Decreased NAD+ contributes to aging - decreased activity of sirtuins
Reduced biosynthesis and increased breakdown accelerates NAD+ depletion, leading to a variety of age-related disorders and diseases. The main reason is that it affects the longevity gene of Sirtuins. Sirtuins are also the main consumers of NAD+. The deacetylase effect of SIRT requires NAD+ as a coenzyme. Therefore, in the absence of NAD+, the longevity gene of Sirtuins is inactive, leading to aging and disease .
In humans, the sirtuin family consists of seven members (SIRT1-SIRT7), all of which play roles in several cellular metabolic processes associated with health and longevity. The various NAD+-dependent functions of sirtuins place them in key positions in regulating aging and longevity in diverse organisms. For example, mice that produced more SIRT1 saw delayed aging and longer lifespans than typical brains. Similarly, SIRT1 activation in neurodegenerative diseases It has therapeutic potential in diseases such as Huntington's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In addition, mice that produced more SIRT6 throughout their bodies showed increased longevity.
In addition, since the loss of SIRT1 or SIRT6 activity will aggravate cellular DNA damage , in order to repair DNA, more NAD+ needs to be consumed, so an autocatalytic downward helix will be generated in the nucleus, resulting in a downward spiral of NAD+.
Deletion of the NAD+ depleting enzymes PARP1 and PARP2 enhances SIRT1 activity, thereby increasing mitochondrial content, metabolism, and preventing diet-induced obesity. In mice lacking PARP1, these mice showed systemic elevations in NAD+ levels, SIRT1 activity, and metabolic benefit. Notably, PARP inhibitors increase NAD+ levels and increase SIRT1 activity to restore mitochondrial health and function.
New research on anti-aging methods for health and longevity-NAD+ precursor (2021-September)
NAD+ boosting molecules that can benefit health and longevity through a unique pathway from metabolic precursors to enzyme regulators, achieve anti-aging and improve age-related diseases!
Scientists have demonstrated the critical role of the molecule nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) in health and longevity and its benefits in laboratory animals such as rodents, flies and roundworms. Examples abound, in which , increasing NAD+ levels can improve cognition, metabolic health, and cardiovascular health in these animals during aging, resulting in anti-aging effects .
This does not seem surprising, given that animal and human cells require NAD+ for over 500 enzymatic reactions that regulate nearly every major biological process. So the question remains whether boosting NAD+ with different molecules can also help people fight aging and live healthier, longer lives, and if so, which compounds are best for specific medical conditions?
NAD+ precursor
We can think of NAD+ precursors as the building blocks needed by cells to synthesize key bioenergetic NAD+ molecules. These precursors include B3 vitamins such as nicotinamide (NAM), niacin (NA), nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN). These molecules utilize the NAD+ biosynthetic pathway known as the salvage pathway, which is the most prevalent means of recycling and synthesizing NAD+ molecular components in cells.
Numerous studies have shown that supplementation with the NAD+ precursor NMN or NR can best promote health and longevity in rodents and humans as a very effective anti-aging modality . Unlike other B3 vitamins like NAM, neither NMN nor NR cause flushing and nausea , and they do not inhibit DNA repair and the function of metabolism-boosting proteins such as poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) and Sirtuins.
NMN clinical studies show that taking this NAD+ precursor improves insulin sensitivity in older women , Muscle function in older men and oxygen utilization during running. A study of NR in humans also showed that it may also enhance muscle function by improving metabolism and reducing the abundance of inflammatory molecules in the muscles of older adults. Meanwhile, another NR clinical trial showed no enhancement of mitochondrial function, the cellular powerhouse, in the muscles of obese men. As clinical trial data accumulates, it becomes increasingly clear which NAD+ precursor between NMN and NR is best for increasing NAD+ and extending lifespan and healthspan.
According to the current research, NMN seems to be the most effective way to supplement NAD+, so NMN is the best way to fight aging and live a healthy and long life .
The birth of the latest anti-aging health food-NMN
New anti-aging health food - direct to the source of life
Since ancient times, human beings have been so weak, powerless, and even ignorant in the face of time and aging. Is there a possibility for human beings to seek liberation directly from the source of life and avoid the pain caused by disease and aging?
With the development of medicine and the great progress of science and technology, health food has also reached the source of life, and it is no longer the traditional era of treating headaches and feet. Especially after the anti-aging authority David Sinclair published a groundbreaking NMN paper in 2013, health food officially entered the 3.0 era! (For more details on NMN anti-aging health food, please click the magic NMN )
Do you use health food? Are you still using traditional headaches to treat head and foot pain, and eat a bunch of health food every day? Or has it been more advanced, using stem cell supplements for younger health but spending a lot of money? I am very excited to tell you that with the latest science and the efforts of top anti-aging scientists, there will be better choices, because health food has entered the 3.0 era.
The so-called 3.0 era is oriented to the most basic cell health in the human body. After the most rigorous scientific verification in the world, the key substances affecting cell aging have been identified. After supplementation, it can repair cellular DNA and activate cells throughout the body, thereby reversing aging organs, and achieving the effect of preventing and improving various aging and chronic diseases. Such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep disorders, metabolic problems, musculoskeletal atrophy, Alzheimer's, etc. From the fundamental improvement of cells, it can definitely replace most of the current health food on the market and become the most advanced anti-aging health food .
Scientific health - originating from precise testing
The science of "compound health preservation" lies in: combining the oriental concept of "harmony between man and nature" health preservation and western precision testing life science, returning to the importance of bringing health and multi-dimensional health preservation methods to people for thousands of years, and finally presenting a well-researched and well-received High-potency health care products composed of scientifically proven and effective ingredients.
Modern Western medicine still belongs to the system of "treatment of diseases", but it cannot stop the disease "before the onset". People expect a method of "preventing the disease before it occurs". Accurate detection + targeted prevention, directly to the root of life, From now on, the meaning of the word "health" will be completely rewritten!
The birth of a new anti-aging health food,please click on this amazing NMN page!

US special forces want to use - anti-aging health food - NAD + supplement (2021/Jun/29)
The U.S. military has completed a preclinical safety and dosing study of an "anti-aging" pill and is preparing for follow-up performance testing in 2022. (Links to relevant press releases)
U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) is working with MetroBiotech to test NAD+ boosting supplements on the advice of anti-aging expert Dr. David Sinclair .
As the U.S. military continues to invest in modern weapons and artificial intelligence, they are also turning to human performance research to augment their manpower. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) - an armed force that oversees special operations - will conduct clinical trials of anti-aging drugs for this purpose. SOCOM will work with Metro International Biotech, LLC (MetroBiotech) to test the pill 's ability to dampen the effects of aging and injury as part of a broader Pentagon effort to improve the physical performance of troops.
Lisa Sanders, director of science and technology for Special Operations Forces, said anti-aging supplements "have the potential, if it works, to really slow aging and really prevent damage from happening -- it's going to be an amazing game-changer.
Harvard scientist and anti-aging expert David Sinclair leads MetroBiotech's advisory board. Although no details about the pill's ingredients have been revealed, MetroBiotech and David Sinclair have developed anti-aging products such as those containing the nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) molecule. NMN is a precursor to and increases the level of NAD+, a key cofactor involved in more than 400 cellular metabolic reactions. Decreased NAD+ levels during aging are associated with age-related metabolic, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, and increasing levels may have the opposite effect, rejuvenating the body and improving athletic performance, helping people live longer, Get younger and healthier.
These efforts are not to create physical features that do not exist in nature. It's about enhancing the mission readiness of our forces by improving performance characteristics that typically decline with age," said SOCOM spokesman Naval Commander Tim Hawkins. "Essentially, we're working with leading industry partners Working with clinical research institutions to develop a nutraceutical in pill form suitable for a variety of uses by civilians and military personnel, the resulting benefits may include improved human athletic performance such as increased endurance and faster recovery from injuries .
NMN anti-aging health food industry trend analysis
For future industry trends, no matter which authoritative organization researches, it will definitely mention that in the industries related to "health and longevity ", the world's richest people such as Li Ka-shing, Buffett, Bezos, etc. Even Taiwan's richest man, Terry Gou, is actively investing in health-related fields. What did they see?

Let’s first take a look at the changing trends of the global and Taiwan population:
According to UN estimates before Covid-19, the global population will exceed 8 billion in 2030 and 9.8 billion in 2050. In addition to the increase in population, the demographic structure has also changed. By 2050, 64 developed countries will enter an aging society, and the proportion of the population over the age of 60 will exceed 30% . Among them, the proportion of the elderly population in Asia accounts for 55% of the global population, indicating that more than half of the world's elderly population is concentrated in Asia ; followed by Europe, whose proportion of the elderly population accounts for 21% of the world. Of course, the epidemic may have a very small impact, but the overall trend is unchanged.
In Taiwan, as the trend of declining birthrate and aging population is difficult to reverse, the National Development and Development Council released the latest population estimation report. It is estimated that in 2025, Taiwan will enter a super-aged society, and one in five people will be over 65 years old. By 2034 More than half of Taiwanese are middle-aged and over 50 years old .
Population changes are the foundation, and a fuse is needed to ignite the explosive development of the health and longevity industry. This fuse is primarily the covid-19 epidemic.
After the baptism of the global human beings, their lifestyles have changed significantly, and the improvement of immunity has become the most critical factor in life in the post-epidemic era. Therefore, the global health industry has ushered in great changes, and the concept of health preservation has begun to explode, showing three major trends:
Trend 1: Raising national health awareness
Big health is no longer the "exclusive privilege" of a few social elites and celebrities, and has gradually become a rigid demand for all people, especially the middle-aged and elderly people who are most affected by the epidemic.
Trend 2: The awareness of prevention as the priority is on the rise
Harvard scientists such as David Sinclair, Scott and Ellison, published a research paper in the journal Natural Aging on July 5, 2021 ( link to the paper ), show that direct treatment of anti-aging , rather than targeting individual diseases, can save more money and improve the economy. . That said, expanding our healthspan while compressing unhealthy years could inject trillions of dollars into the U.S. economy . The results of such an economic analysis greatly strengthen the case for allocating resources to healthy ageing research. It also brought the following changes:
(1) From the biological disease medicine model to the ecological health medicine model (2) From the disease medical industry to the health preservation industry (3) From the medical consumption of "preventive treatment" to the consumption of health care "preventive treatment "
Trend 3: Reproduce effective scientific health preservation
The process of the raging epidemic is also the process of popularizing health education for the global public. How to identify modern effective technology and gimmicks? In the 5G era, the public has abandoned health food with opaque information, so only scientific data and actual results can be trusted by people. Scientific health care will be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
After reading the above analysis, you should know why all the top investment institutions and the rich have invested in the health and longevity industry, right? A major Wall Street investment bank, Merrill Lynch’s public report shows that the market size related to longevity will soar to 100% within ten years. $600 billion a year. Jack Ma also said that the next richest man will appear in the field of longevity!
Looking at all the research on health, longevity and anti-aging in the world, NMN is definitely the focus of the current trend, because only the scientific research foundation of NMN is the most solid. Cell (cell), more than 100 papers, and 8 Nobel Prize winners openly supported. Most importantly, over the years of research efficacy in animals, with the release of more and more human clinical tests, it is found that the results of NMN efficacy in animals and humans are consistent.
An exciting and interesting question, NMN can prolong the lifespan of mice by 30%, can it be achieved in humans? No one can answer, because it is not yet known how to do human clinical testing of this item. But some scholars use human biological age data to infer that NMN will prolong human lifespan by more than 30%?
The article is over, do you still doubt that NMN is the super trend industry of health and longevity, the focus of the focus, the star of the stars?
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NMN | Latest NMN Industry Trend Analysis in 2021 | Health and Longevity Industry | NMN Blue Ocean Market | NMN Future Trends | NMN Business Opportunities
The words NMN have gradually appeared in people's lives. What will be the future trend of NMN? Is NMN a blue ocean market? Or is NMN a big bubble? Through the latest NMN industry trend analysis in 2021, we will know the relationship between NMN and the health and longevity industry, and know the future development of NMN as a reference for whether to invest in NMN business opportunities!
NAD+ is the energy origin of life
What is the relationship between NAD+ and aging?
NAD+ (Coenzyme I) is like a communicator in human cells for intercellular communication. When you have low NAD+ in your body, cells can't communicate effectively, which reduces the amount of energy your body needs. In this way, another substance in the body, the mitochondria, is affected. Mitochondria are organelles ( cell generators ) closely related to energy metabolism. Once the function of mitochondria is affected, it will directly affect the survival of cells. Can the human body still function normally if the cells are dead? The most obvious manifestation outside the human body is aging.
NAD+ research history:
In 1904, British biochemist Arthui Harden discovered a magical substance-NAD+. ( referred to as "Coenzyme I" )
In 2000, it was confirmed by the scientific community that this substance has anti-aging effects.
In 2007, a professor at the University of Iowa found that NAD+ (coenzyme) can be converted from oral drugs.
2013 Harvard Professor David Sinclair used experiments to prove that NAD+ is used for human anti-aging, opening a new milestone in anti-aging.
American clinical research data found that NAD+ is specially supplemented to make it participate in various physiological activities such as cellular material metabolism, energy synthesis, and cellular DNA repair. In this process, it can be clearly found that the functions of resisting the body, repairing DNA damage, synthesizing DNA and RNA, "turning on" long-lived proteins (sirtuin, acetylase), etc. are produced.
NAD+ is an exaggeration to say that it is the golden key to unlock longevity genes

Professor David Sinclair's Anti-Aging Test:

Decreased NAD+ is a major cause of aging

The amount of NAD+ decreases sharply with age

NAD+ cannot be taken orally

David Sinclair concludes:
Aging is a disease, the reason is the decrease of NAD+ content in the body, and βNMN supplementation is the best antidote!
What is nmn? Please click the magic NMN